Wingecarribee Shire Recreational Walking Tracks Strategy


Tredwell developed the Wingecarribee Shire Recreational Walking Tracks Strategy to provide a framework for the provision of safe and high quality walking trail experiences across the Southern Highlands.

Key project outcomes included:

  • A comprehensive on-ground trails audit and ground-truthed GIS files with geo-referenced photographs
  • Identification of opportunities to develop a a cohesive track network that offers active and challenging recreational experiences
  • Extensive consultation with the community and stakeholders
  • Identification of risk management procedures and mitigation strategies
  • A visually presented report and mapping.
  • A detailed and costed Action Plan to guide enhancement and maintenance of trails
  • A trails maintenance schedule to align Council’s works program with AS 2156.1
  • Graphic design of a trail signage suite which aligns with
  • Council’s corporate style guide and communication principles


Photo Source: Sandy Stewart



Client: Wingecarribee
State: New South Wales
Value: $30,000 - $50,000
Year: 2020
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