Roley Pools Heritage Walk Trail Rec Plan & Signage Strategy


Tredwell worked with the City of Armadale Environmental Services Team to develop a Recreation Plan and Signage Strategy for Roley Pools – Heritage Walk Trails along the banks of Djarlgarro (Canning River) in the Perth Hills.

The area holds great significance to the Whadjuk people and is an identified mythological site of importance where clan groups performed rituals, meetings, shared stories and food.

The Recreation Plan and Signage Strategy has developed a staged action plan for the reserve’s trail network. Signage designs incorporate Noongar Whadjuk heritage and language through QR codes, providing an immersive cultural trail experience.

Key outcomes of the project included:

  • A staged trails network concept plan
  • Optimised accessibility and inclusivity
  • Integration of Noongar Whadjuk heritage values and consultation outcomes
  • Clear and concise waymarking system incorporating Indigenous artwork elements
  • Graphic designed trail network maps
  • Research and creative writing of interpretation content
Client: City of Armadale
State: Western Australia
Value: $50,000 - $80,000
Year: 2020
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