Our Unbeaten Tracks – Connecting the Capes


The purpose of this project was to research and write a Master Plan and associated overarching business case document which will be able to be used in a range of contexts for the completion, interconnection, maintenance and promotion of the Unbeaten Tracks network.

The Capes Region is renowned internationally for its pristine natural environments, coastline, wine industry and tourism off erings. From stunning beaches to spectacular Karri forests and ancient caves, it is recognised for its diverse landscapes and high levels of biodiversity. Increasing resident populations and visitor numbers place major pressure on the environment and conservation estate, amplifying the need for provision of sustainable ways for the natural environment to be explored whilst simultaneously being protected.

Trails and natural areas are an integral component of the lifestyle on off er across the region and are a key drawcard for visitors. Spending time in the Capes Region off ers the opportunity to establish a connection with the natural environment, surrounded by spectacular coastline and forest.

A framework structure of Key Trails exists in the Capes Region across various land tenures, with varied management structures and funding sources. While the Key Trails provide a variety ofexperiences, they are not integrated as a cohesive network, and are in various states of disrepair or are incomplete.

With a regional approach and increased investment, the Unbeaten Tracks off er incredible potential as an iconic, cohesive and interconnected trails network incorporating benefi ts across the triple bottom linewith positive environmental, economic and social outcomes.

The Master Plan was prepared by Tredwell Management for the Unbeaten Tracks Round Table. The Round Table eff ectively brings together a coalition of relevant stakeholders with a shared interest in a high quality and interconnected network of Key Trails across the Capes Region.


Client: Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association
State: Western Australia
Value: $50,000 - $80,000
Year: 2021
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