Brisbane Off Road Cycling Plan


Brisbane City supports a diversity of sustainable off-road cycling infrastructure that provides the opportunity for people of different ages, skill levels and abilities to enjoy the city’s parks and natural areas while protecting our unique natural environment.

Tredwell worked with Brisbane city to develop The Brisbane Off-Road Cycling Strategy that will guide future investment in off-road cycling facilities within natural areas and parks.

The Brisbane Off-Road Cycling Strategy aims to meet the needs of the rapidly growing offroad cycling community by developing a safe, well-planned and connected network of offroad cycling facilities that protect Brisbane’s natural environment.

The Plan delivers high level concept plans for the City, as well as each of the natural area regions (north, south, east and west), showing potential off-road cycling facilities.

Simple imagery illustrates what future facilities may look like and implements their prioritisation.

The Strategy:

  • Ensures off-road cycling is sustainable and protects the City’s biodiversity values
  • Ensures future off-road cycling facilities will achieve value for money through sustainable, well planned and well designed infrastructure
  • Develop a forward-thinking plan that includes latest and future trends and technology
Client: Brisbane City
State: Queensland
Value: >$80,000
Year: 2020
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