Rural City of Murray Bridge Trails Strategy


The Rural City of Murray Bridge engaged Tredwell Management Services to develop a Trail Strategy to investigate, audit and provide a framework for the future strategic direction of trails across the council area. The principle objective of this project was to prepare a Strategy that focused on identification, provision, development and management of trails. The project consisted of:

  • background research
  • on-ground trail auditing & mapping
  • stakeholder consultation
  • strategic planning
  • comprehensive strategy and action plan

The Strategy recognised that there would be specific challenges associated with developing a number of the more ambitious trail concepts, including:

  • Land ownership and tenure
  • Environmental/ cultural/ heritage sensitivities
  • Management/ maintenance requirement
  • Trail user safety
  • Costs and funding opportunities
Client: Rural City of Murray Bridge
State: South Australia
Value: $30,000 - $50,000
Year: 2017
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