Indigo Epic Trail Operating Model
The purpose of this project was to determine a recommended operating model that considers like operations and the Indigo Shire Council’s governance environment in the provision and ongoing governance and management of a world class Mountain Bike trail, the Indigo Epic Trail.
The Indigo Shire wanted to understand the most appropriate operating model both from a governance and operational perspective to operate the Indigo Epic Trail as a world class tourism product.
Indigo Epic Trail is the only all-season ‘epic’ mountain bike trail in Australia and connects Beechworth to Yackandandah which is designed to be an end to end trail experience with the options of undertaking shorter rides due to a figure of eight design incorporated into the trail. The length of the Indigo Epic Trail is approximately 56km and it was officially launched in March 2023.
Four governance and operating models were identified that Indigo Epic Trail could potentially implement to manage and operate the Indigo Epic Trail into the future.
Each model has strengths and weaknesses and these have been detailed in the report.