Cessnock City Council Trails Strategy


The Cessnock City Council engaged Tredwell Management Services to develop a Trails Strategy to provide a vision for the region’s trails network with a consistent policy framework to guide development and management of trails across the Local Government Area (LGA). The Strategy will enable Council to support healthy, active lifestyles and embrace opportunities for tourism and economic activity.

Trail activities, such as walking, running/jogging, bushwalking and cycling are among the highest participation activities in New South Wales and this participation is expected to continue to grow in line with broader trends towards the growth of unstructured and adventure recreational activities.

A phased and prioritised Strategy and Action Plan has been prepared to guide the focus of Council and its partners towards the achievement of the trails network vision. Potential trail projects have been identified and broadly prioritised based on need/ demand, feasibility, location and benefit.

Client: Cessnock City Council
State: New South Wales
Value: $50,000 - $80,000
Year: 2020
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