Clare Valley Tourism Region New Trails Signage Design & Content


Tredwell in conjunction with both the Clare and Gilbert Valley and Goyder Regional Council’s completed the Clare Valley Tourism Region New Trail Experiences Project.

This project identified and developed a series of twelve significant walking trails within the Council regions. They all have unique selling points, regional stories and “must-do” experiences for tourists that will potentially lengthen stays and attract visitors and business to the region.

As part of the project, clear guidance was provided to Local and State Government on where to invest trail development funding going forward. This guidance informed the need to develop a clear signage strategy for the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council’s six identified trails.

The purpose of the signage suite is to build on the region’s unique brand and branding guidelines and promote the trails as an entire package to ensure that the six identified trails of the CGVC are easily recognisable. The signage concepts are to promote the identified trails through vibrant and unmistakeable design that captures the public’s attention, promotes the uniqueness of the trail whilst also providing safety, trail, and other relevant information important to the user.

The signage suite includes the following signage templates:

  • Trailhead signage
  • Interpretive Signage
  • Wayfinding signage
  • Safety signage




Client: Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
State: South Australia
Value: <$30,000
Year: 2020
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