Blackwood River Canoe Trail


The project involved the following key tasks:

  • Review of previous studies, including the Blackwood River Mapping Project
  • Completing data collection and mapping of the Blackwood River
  • Producing detailed and user friendly maps of the Blackwood River
  • The publishing of maps to be utilised by canoeists (local residents and tourists)

The purpose of this study was to produce a usable brochure for kayakers/canoeists to follow when paddling sections of the Blackwood River. This process involves detailed mapping of the area (utilising GPS technology) as well as content synthesis and graphic design of the required brochure.

The brochure details several key areas of information about the Blackwood River including:

  • General Facts
  • Indigenous History
  • Canoe Safety Guidelines
  • River Grading System
  • Last Minute Checklist
  • Tourist Information


Client: Shire of Bridgetown Greenbushes
State: Western Australia
Value: <$30,000
Year: 2013
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