Eyre Peninsula Regional Trails Strategy


The Eyre Peninsula Regional Trails Strategy will present a vision, guiding principles, strategic directions and actions for consideration across the region by all levels of government, trail managers, landholders and communities, and be used to leverage increased investment across the region. It will outline a planned, staged approach over the next 10 years which should encourage the securing of funds, developing the domestic trail user markets and opening the doors to international trail-based tourism.

The Strategy is aimed at achieving improved and sustainable outcomes for trail supply, experiences, community development, health and well-being, and the local, regional and state economies in relation to recreation trails associated with the following activities; Urban Walking, Bush Walking, Extended Trekking, Cycling (Road), Mountain Biking, Horse Riding, Underwater and Paddling.

Client: Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula
State: South Australia
Value: $50,000 -$80,000
Year: 2021
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