Golden Plains Tracks and Trails Strategy + Guide
The Golden Plains Shire Council Tracks and Trails Strategy is a ten-year Strategy that presents the opportunity for the Golden Plains Shire Council, with its partners and community, to embrace and build upon the region’s recreational tracks and trails network.
Through community consultation and trail audits, it was evident that tracks and trails are integral to the lifestyle offered in GPS, and provide significant visitor attraction opportunities.
The Tracks and Trails Strategy identifies the opportunities for upgrades and developments with the greatest potential to benefit the community, local economy and the natural environment by facilitating sustainable opportunities for exploring natural areas, focusing on tourism related developments and promoting environmentally-friendly transportation options.
The Tracks and Trail Strategy has a key focus on activating trails through improving accessibility, community connections, recreation connections, event suitability and providing unique experiences.
Following the completion of the Strategy, Tredwell developed a high-quality, graphical and user-friendly Tracks and Trails Brochure that highlights all existing tracks and trails, their locations, alignments, and points of interest as the first step in promoting the existing Tracks and Trails of the region. The Brochure provides key information required for all track and trail users with a priority on readability, user safety and tourism.