Wingecarribee Community & Recreation Facilities Strategy

Sport, Recreation & Open Space Planning

The Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy (CRFS) provides an integrated strategic planning approach for the provision of community and recreational facilities across the Wingecarribee Shire. The CRFS ensures that Council are planning for and delivering essential community infrastructure to meet the needs of the community.

The CRFS provides a clear strategic direction to ensure Council is able to both meet the challenges of growth and optimise the opportunities that this growth brings. This is critical to ensure that the liveability and amenity of existing residents is enhanced and that the needs of new communities are planned for and able to be delivered in a timely manner.

An analysis was conducted for each of the 581 community and recreational facilities identified across the Shire. This has drawn together the relevant research and findings from the facility inventory analysis; demands and trends analysis; consultation findings; population triggers analysis and challenges and opportunities identified for the Shire. This has then informed an action plan for each precinct.




Client: Wingescarribee Shire Council
State: New South Wales
Value: >$80,000
Year: 2023
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