Pat O’Hara Reserve Needs Assessment
Feasibility & Needs Assessment
Pat O Hara is a busy reserve located on the northern edge of the Morley town site and is bordered by retail, school and neighbourhood housing. The reserve accommodates a range of facilities, clubs and activities:
- Morley Sport and Recreation Centre – Managed by the YMCA on behalf of the City of Bayswater;
- Morley Child Health Centre operated by the Department of Health in conjunction with the City;
- Olive Tree House operated by the City for Home and Community Care as an aged care day centre;
- Harry Hall Autumn Centre operated by the City of Bayswater as a drop in senior citizens centre;
- Perth Bayswater Rugby Union Clubrooms – leased to the club. Change rooms managed and operated by the City;
- 1st Morley Scout Hall – leased to the club;
- The reserve also has a playground and acts as public open space when not in use by clubs.
The scope of this Needs Assessment included the:
- Review of the facilities currently provided on site;
- Assessment of how the current facilities are being utilised;
- Review of current and future demands (up to a minimum ten years);
- Assessment of similar facilities provided by neighbouring local governments, schools and facility providers within 10km or 20 minute drive time radius to determine if or how they may cater
for current / future demands; - Identification of key social indicators;
“Tredwell Management provided a comprehensive Needs Assessment report for the Pat O’Hara Reserve and Morley Sport and Recreation Centre. They were very thorough in their analysis and interpretation of data, the outcome being a well-researched document that provided a solid foundation for development of the next stage of the project. Neil and Dan were very professional in their approach, good to deal with and went the extra mile for us when we requested further information and analysis. I would definitely recommend their services”.
Lucy Griffiths, Leisure Planner