Kwinana Community Infrastructure Feasibility & Business Case
Feasibility & Needs Assessment
The City of Kwinana has experienced unprecedented growth over the past ten years – growing from a population of 24,000 in 2006 to 42,000 in 2017. It is predicted that the City of Kwinana’s population will reach 85,000 by 2036 with most of the new community members residing in the newly created urban areas on either side of the Perth – Mandurah rail line and the Kwinana Freeway.
The purpose of this project was to undertake two feasibility studies and development of two business cases including development of concept designs for the provision of local level community infrastructure in two of the City of Kwinana’s rapidly growing residential communities:
- Local Sporting Clubroom – Honeywood
- Local Combined Sporting Clubroom and Community Centre – Wellard West
The scope for the project included:
- Identify current and future community need / interest in each community for the proposed facilities
- Broad community trends and external factors impacting on the projects
- Financial viability of the projects
- Operational strategies and management plans for the facilities including community engagement and development of concept plans for each facility, for Council’s consideration
City of Kwinana
Western Australia
$30,000 - $50,000