South Australian UCI BMX Facility Feasibility Plan – Concept Design

Extreme & Hard to Locate Sports, Master Planning

BMX SA, the Cove BMX Club and Happy Valley BMX Club are united in a shared vision for developing a regional UCI standard BMX facility that will cater for the current and future needs of the sport.

There is also a strong desire to host national and potentially international events if a new UCI standard facility is developed in South Australia.

The objectives of the project included consideration of:

  • The overall needs of the sport in the State and the role of the proposed facility as a regional or potential State facility.
  • The best future model for BMX facility hierarchy that considers the needs of the sport, the best model and location for a State facility
  • Potential sites to accommodate a UCI standard BMX facility to cater for the needs of both clubs
  • Concept design and estimation of the projected cost of development and provide a basis for future funding investigations



Client: BMX South Australia
State: South Australia
Value: $50,000 - $80,000
Year: 2016
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