Sunshine Coast Noisy and Hard-to-Locate Sports Study

Extreme & Hard to Locate Sports

Tredwell Management undertook a study that identified potential and existing sites and facilities for the development of a Noisy Sports Precinct on the Sunshine Coast, as well as prepare a strategy/plan for the ongoing protection and enhancement of noisy and hard-to-locate activities on the Sunshine Coast.

Major outcomes for the project included:

  • Outlining a strategic vision, policy framework and operation of the Precinct
  • Undertaking a review/audit of existing facilities and identifying capacity, future needs and demands.
  • Clearly defining the noisy sports that could be sustained by the Sunshine Coast population over the next 20 – 30 years;
  • Selection criteria on site/s for preferred location/s and required infrastructure
  • An implementation plan and estimated costs with prioritised short/long term goals
  • Detailed and extensive consultation process
  • Future research and training opportunities



Client: Sunshine Coast Regional Council
State: Queensland
Value: $50,000 - $80,000
Year: 2009
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