NSW Police Force Strategic Plan for Firearm Ranges
Extreme & Hard to Locate Sports
In summary, the project involved:
- A review and assessment of the current facilities
- Development of a strategic plan for firearm ranges
- An assessment of operational requirements
- Recommendations on how to best meet the future requirements
- Examinations of options for build-up of facilities, including cost estimates, and
a risk analysis
The project was developed using a five stage methodology. It was conducted in close consultation with key stakeholders from the NSWPF and their agents.
The NSW Police Firearm Ranges Strategy has identified the need for fit-for-purpose, contemporary, accessible and NSWPF controlled firearms and DEFTAC training facilities. These training facilities need to be strategically located throughout metropolitan and non-metropolitan NSWPF regions of NSW. The design has considered important factors such as lifecycle cost and ecologically sustainable development.
NSW Police Force
New South Wales