Chisholm Reserve Complex Development Master Plan

Extreme & Hard to Locate Sports

The Swan Hill Rural City Council and Swan Hill motoring organisations engaged Tredwell to determine the requirements and opportunities that may exist for the strategic development of motoring facilities at Chisholm Reserve Motorsports Complex.

This Master Plan document will be used to ensure future management and governance of the CRMC, allow for continued growth of motor sport activities within the region and assist in identifying potential development within the complex and the attraction of potential, private, commercial and government funding streams.

The Master Plan features:

  • Improved site infrastructure (e.g. drainage, parking)
  • Motorsport facility improvements
  • Multi-use facility developments including shared use clubrooms and amenities
  • Improved visual enhancement and street frontage
  • Improved circulation, access and parking
  • Improved security and surveillance
  • Improved services (water and power)



Client: Swan Hill Rural City Council
State: Victoria
Value: <$30,000
Year: 2016
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