Yarriambiack Sport & Active Recreation Strategy

Sport, Recreation & Open Space Planning

The Yarriambiack Sport & Active Recreation Strategy is a ten-year municipal strategic plan. The strategy will enable a strategic and outcomes-based approach to the development of community sport and active recreation infrastructure within the Yarriambiack Shire Council, and directly leverage health and wellbeing outcomes through sport and active recreation.

The Strategy will guide the next ten years of infrastructure planning and programming. The intention of the document is to understand the current and future Sport and Active Recreation needs of the Shire and ensure a sound strategic base to advocate for funding and resources from internal and external sources.

The Strategy provides the Shire with a blueprint for facility management and a new funding formula for support of sport and active recreation in the Shire, with due consideration to budget constraints.

A Strategy and Implementation Plan for developing sport and active recreation across the Shire was developed. Each of the components of sport and active recreation planning have been addressed through a series of strategies and actions, which are guided by the planning principles, and strive to achieve the vision.  Each strategy is provided with a supporting rationale and a series of actions with corresponding timeframes, partners and estimated resource requirements.

The Strategy and Implementation Plan has been prepared with the intention of remaining flexible to adapt to dynamic influences such as community needs, funding opportunities and technological advances.


Client: Yarriambiack Shire Council
State: Victoria
Value: $30,000-$50,000
Year: 2024