Two Wells Recreation & Sport Precinct Master Plan


Adelaide Plains Council is a vibrant community located on Kaurna Country about 45 kilometres north of the Adelaide CBD.

Council has care and control of the Two Wells Recreation and Sporting Precinct. In its current form, the precinct comprises six existing sporting and community uses.

It is critical that there is a master plan so that the Adelaide Plains Council, working with site sport and community interests and future sport or community interests, can seek grant funding along with its own funds to inform detail design to lead to a staged, ordered upgrade timed with Two Wells population growth.

A series of high-level draft concept plans have been developed utilising information gathered through site analysis, current trends, club and user group consultation and the guiding principles. These draft concepts were presented to key stakeholders for feedback.

Following additional key stakeholder consultation a preferred option will be determined.

Client: Adelaide Plains Council
State: South Australia
Value: $50,000-$80,000
Year: Current