Local Government Guide for Leasing & Licensing Sport & Community Facilities

Sport, Recreation & Open Space Planning

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR), the Local Government Association and City of Onkaparinga recognised a need to develop a guide for leasing and licensing sport and community facilities. Recent studies and feedback highlighted a lack of consistency in lease and licence agreements. Some Councils have no formal occupancy agreements in place and the community feel that letting Council owned facilities can be complex, confusing and, potentially, inequitable.

To develop a guide for Leasing and Licensing Sport and Community Facilities the City of Onkaparinga sought and received funding from the Local Government Research and Development Scheme (LGRDS) and the ORSR.

The objective of this Guide is to provide a resource that Local Government can use to ensure community facilities are made available for use by the community in an equitable and sustainable manner.

In preparing this Guide extensive research and consultation was conducted, including literature reviews, interviews, surveys and workshops with key stakeholder.

If you would like to receive a copy of the guide please contact us.

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Client: The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR), the Local Government Association and City of Onkaparinga
State: South Australia
Value: $30,000 - $50,000
Year: 2020
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