Mount Druitt Swimming Centre Viability Study


Tredwell Management in conjunction with RMP & Associates were appointed to conduct the Mount Druitt Swimming Centre Viability Study.  The brief was to develop plans and options to make the centre viable, based on the quadruple bottom line approach, which would assist Council staff if the pool was to reopen for the 2014/15 season and beyond.

The quadruple bottom line approach included analysis in the following four viability categories:

  • Financial
  • Environmental
  • Social
  • Governance

Due to the sensitive nature of the project the consultation process was rigorous and promoted public participation through the implementation of the following tools:

  • Key stakeholder interviews, surveys and public meetings
  • Field trips
  • Community profiling

The Council determined to upgrade and re-open the pool in November 2014.



Client: Blacktown City Council
State: New South Wales
Value: <$30,000
Year: 2014
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