Open Space Concept Plans for Oodnadatta & Pimba
Master Planning
Oodnadatta is located 1,000 km north of Adelaide & Pimba is 500km north of Adelaide in the South Australia Outback. The concept plans for both towns involved the development of a key precinct to create an attractive and vibrant area for use by both tourists and community members.
The project’s objectives were to:
• Develop a development concept that reflects community aspirations and addresses the interrelationships between the elements of the local environment.
• Facilitate the development of an attractive and vibrant area for use by both tourists and community members.
• Create a sustainable environment capable of, supporting and providing valuable community and visitor facilities and infrastructure long term.
The project vision was illustrated through diagrams and plans, and the project delivered Principles, a Prioritised Action Plan and an estimate of approximate costings required.