Julie Hutchins
Julie Hutchins joined Tredwell Management in 2007 after 9 years of experience in the local government industry working in the social and community development field. She has successfully developed, implemented and managed a wide range of programs and projects. She has extensive experience in provision of community development programs and in the development and implementation of social strategies. Julie has been invaluable in her contribution in the consultation and research process of many of Tredwell Managements successful projects.
2007 – Current
Tredwell Management Services Consultant
2009 – 2012
Healthfirst Training Australia, Lecturer
1997 – 2006
City of Charles Sturt; Coordinator Community Care Programs, Socialisation Development Coordinator, Community Development Officer, Community Services Officer
Bachelor of Social Science, Uni SA
Cert IV in Bookkeeping
Cert IV Training and Assessment (TAE40110)
Certificate IV Frontline Management
Certificate III Business Administration
Key Projects
Gold Coast Physical Activity Strategy
Sunshine Coast Noisy & Hard-to-Locate Sports Study
Feasibility Study for a Synthetic Hockey Facility Development